>Leora Druckman asks:
>>Does anyone out there know of good, academic references which relate
>>network density in organizations (i.e. how "well-connected" individuals
>>are to each other in a given organization) to organizational learning?
This is a great question, Leora, and it sounds as if Tom Petzinger has
pointed you in the right direction. Are you also plugged into INSNA -- The
International Network for Social Network Analysis? These folks have been
looking at every aspect of network density (or lack thereof) for as long
as I can remember.
Also worth contacting Barry Wellman, the stalwart, unflappable coordinator
of INSNA -- see his home page: http://www.chass.utoronto.ca:8080/~wellman/
And if you receive any private replies to this, I'd appreciate your
forwarding them to me. Meanwhile, has Valdis Krebs responded to this note?
He's another powerhouse of information in this arena.
Jessica Lipnack <jlipnack@netage.com>
The Networking Institute, Inc., 505 Waltham Street, West Newton, MA 02165 USA
Tel: 617/965-3340; Fax: 617/965-2341; Web page: http://www.netage.com
--Jessica Lipnack <jlipnack@netage.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>