Communicating Corp. Values LO15531
Fri, 24 Oct 1997 16:38:29 -0400 (EDT)

Replying to LO15412 --

[Host's Note: Rohit is replying to a msg he received directly from Jared
Faulb. ...Rick]

Dear Jared Faulb

You responded to my piece on values with the following:

>Thank you for sharing some of your recent experiences facilitating
>values. I had several questions concerning these projects.
>1) What problems were solved or expectations realized.

In the healthcare trust we need to create common purpose / common language
/ unifying behaviours in an environment where traditionally the
professionals had been unified by serving the public good. However as the
Hospitals move to more of a finanically oriented entity, the professionals
are feeling a loss of purpose. The values were an attempt to address this.

The expectation realised was that we could facilitate the organisation to
a higher purpose and that soft values can drive hard services.

>2) What measures were defined, if any, to evaluate changes in behavior.

Great question - short answer none. Longer answer - we were overhauling
the measurement system and trying to get away from measures and budgets as
the control and towards a culture where strategic thinking and an innate
sense of where we were going should drive the organisation. Trying to put
measures on early in the programme would have sent wholly the wrong
message. We decided instead to a) ask indivduals to judge if they were
acting consistently with the values b) put the measures on the services
which were changed in line with the measures

>3) What was the time frame.

First phase of strategy development including values and inital deployment
- 3 months. total programme - 2-3 years (still running). cultural
transformation (7-10 years)

Hope these help

Rohit Talwar


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