Time to Take a Break LO15545 -Joe's Jottings #77

Mon, 27 Oct 97 07:28:17 -0800

It's been three years since I started distributing Jottings. I'm feeling
that it's time to take a break.

I've very much enjoyed writing the Jottings. I read a lot, and it somehow
gives more meaning to that reading to share some of the ideas with all of
you. The discipline of writing helps me think more clearly, too.

I've particularly enjoyed the community that has grown up around the
Jottings. The first distribution list contained just a few close
colleagues; the Jottings now reach over 600 people inside Hewlett-Packard
and another 2000 via the Learning Organization listserv. Plus, depending
on the topic, people seem to forward them to their friends.

Most of all, I've enjoyed hearing from people from all over the world, and
I've been particularly grateful to those of you who have written comments.
The conversation has been enriching. I've learned a lot, and I hope you
have too.

But I'm feeling stale. So it's time to move on to something else. I
don't know what it will be. I still read; I'll still write; I'll still
have conversations. And I hope that all that will somehow include many of

Thank you all for the great gifts of your reading and listening.

Warmest regards,


[Host's Note: Joe, thanks for contributing your jottings here over the
past months! ...Rick]



Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>