Intro -- Christian Hartmann LO15551

Christian Hartmann (
Tue, 28 Oct 1997 17:31:19 -0100


Being new on this list I'd like to introduce myself.

Brief biography:

Being born in Germany I live in Graz/Austria since 1989. I have studies
Economics at the University of Graz with a special focus on Regional- and
Industrial Economics. Currently I am a senior research fellow at the
Institute of Regional- and Technology Policy. Beside these scientific
activities I am also partner of MIND CONSULT, a small consultancy firm
specialized on change management, the development of co-operations between
small and medium enterprises and organizational learning.

My current focus of research dealing with learning organizations:

Since May 1996 I have been involved in a project called "DELOS"
(Developing Learning Organizations in Small and Medium Enterprise
Clusters) that is carried out within the TSER-Program (Targeted Socio
Economic Research)of the EU. In this project we have examined clusters
(networks of firms offering goods and services) and their joint learning
behavior. The final report of this project is expected in December.

An additional project (funded by the federal state of Styria) is devoted
to the issue of higher level learning (as defined by Fiol/Lyles)at an
interfim level. Our aim in this project is to the identification of higher
level learning activities within co-operations between firms - especially
Dogson (1996) has dealt with this phenomenon in some of his papers.

My Ph.D. thesis deals also with the issue of organizational learning. In
particular I am interested in the specific conditions (such as corporate
culture, mutual trust,...) that support higher level learning within
clusters or networks of firms. A special emphasis is thereby put on the
development of indicators for the measurement of the existence and success
of organizational learning activities in such organsizations. Thus I would
be really greatful for every hint concerning papers, research projects and
experts dealing with such indicators of organizational learning.

Greetings form Austria,

Christian Hartmann
Christian Hartmann
Institute of Technology and Regional Policy - InTeReg
Elisabethstr. 20
A-8010 Graz
Phone +43 316 876-487


Christian Hartmann <>

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