>From: Benjamin B. Compton[SMTP:bcompton@enol.com]
>Subject: Measurements and measuring LO15550
You apply the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle to organiztions to say that
by measuring them we change them, and that.we're left with a measurement
of the past.
I'm not sure I agree with you. True, there is uncertainty in any
measurement, but the effect of a measuring scheme on an organization is
not always unknown. Would you know of any cases where an organization was
aware of the effect its measurements had on the members of the
>You impute the "present moment" with a capacity to create a desired future.
This is hard for me to understand. What role do people have in defining
their desired future?
>And lastly, you crown intuition as our best tool for grasping the "hear and
Perhaps, but there meay be a role for facts and other evidence, as well.
Stuart Harrow
--"Harrow, Stuart" <bvc2206@dcrb.dla.mil>
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