LO & Conflict Resolution LO15591

Vana Prewitt (vprewitt@mail.rdu.bellsouth.net)
Sat, 01 Nov 1997 11:11:19 -0800

Replying to LO15573 --

Suzanne Sauvi wrote:

> Senior managers at the CMN recently went through an Upward Feedback
> exercise, and 3 out of 7 managers were fired as a consequence of it. --SNIP--
> The managers who survived are now in a very difficult position as you can
> imagine, especially when it comes to conflict resolution within their
> divisions. Does anyone have any suggestions?


great story; it's the management wake-up call for the 21st century. There
are a lot of training programs out there that will help your organization,
including the teaching of Stephen Covey and others like him. In a
nutshell, it sounds like your company is shedding the industrial
management control with authority model and adopting a leadership model
which relies on mutual respect, communication, and cooperation.

These are not skills the industrial manager has, and in most cases does
not want to learn. It's like any other employee. Set the standards,
offer them the training needed to bring their skills to standard, hold
them accountable, measure their success, provide feedback and remediation,
encourage, and if needed, fire them. Communicate, communicate,

good luck with the future

Vana Prewitt


Vana Prewitt <vprewitt@mail.rdu.bellsouth.net>

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