I use five questions:
1)What does a technology enhance ?
(could be positive or negative, i.e. power, control, freedom of selection of
options, reciprocity etc)
2)What does a technology obsolesce?
(usually the old technology or the old way of doing things, N.B. I don't
meam eliminate)
3)What does a technology retrieve ?
(could be something that was lost or obsolesced in an older generation of a
predecessor technology or artifact)
4)What does a technology flip or reverse into at the extreme
(imagine what happens if and when everyone is using it)
5) Does the technology /artifact promote or inhibit experiential and
reflective thinking ?
What other questions could you ask ?
Walter Derzko
Director Idea Lab
(416) 588-1122
--"Walter Derzko" <wderzko@pathcom.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>