What is democracy? LO15750

William Ayers (wayers@citygw.City.Winnipeg.MB.CA)
Mon, 10 Nov 1997 10:05:46 -0600

Replying to LO15652 --


I don't want to sound trite, for your situation is very serious; however,
have you tried using any of the system tools at your disposal?

A couple that come to mind immediately are causal loop diagrams and the
system archetypes. For example, have you tried drawing out the dynamics
you see and testing them against some of the more common system stories?
Perhaps there are some similarities with the Tragedy of the Commons or
Success to the Successful. These stories can often provide a great deal
of insight into the key leverage points...just some thoughts for your
consideration. Further, are there some neighbours you can enlist in this
exercise, ones whom you can draw upon for insight and support? Maybe this
is an opportunity to create a community with a shared vision and common
language. (Again, just some thoughts...)

It occurs to me in my own life, that I work with these tools all day long
and then forget about them when I go home. As Deming used to say, "the
Universe is really The System, all others are just sub-systems." So, if
all of life is made up of systems within systems, with continuous feedback
loops that balance or reinforce, why can't these system tools apply in
this larger (than organizations, that is) system known as society?
Perhaps there are others who have experience applying these tools to
public life who can comment further.

I hope these thoughts are helpful. Please keep us informed of your




Bill Ayers Human Resource Specialist The City of Winnipeg wayers@city.winnipeg.mb.ca

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