LO Pilot Project LO15792

Thu, 13 Nov 1997 12:35:55 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO15768 --

Nicolas L. Behrmann wrote:
>In thinking about instigating a pilot project for an organization, what
>criteria would be useful to apply and would it matter if one were internal
>in an organization or external, volunteer or staff member?
>I realize that this question is both vague and simplistic, but is real for

Nicholas, whilst you may think your question vague or simplistic it
reflects a very real issue which many organisations face - exactly what
criteria should we use to assess our performance in bocming a learning
organisation. Many might say that this is totally the wrong start point -
arguing that LO's are about being not doing. However, the harsh reality is
that in a world still dominated by by measures and evaluation criteria we
need to find a way through. Although you want to help bring about a
paradigm shift / reframing, the process needs to start from the current

My suggestion would be to view and assess the organisation's progress
thorugh the eyes of its stakeholders - customrs, employees, management,
supliers, shareholders and community. Involving people from each
stakeholder community I would have them articulate the areas in which they
feel the organisation is currently failing to learn or learn fast enough.
By identifying these real challenges articulated in the language of the
organisation - rather than in teminology which excludes - you have a start
point for evaluation. Against these challenges you can define hard or soft
measures and then evaluate each element of the LO programme against those
stakeholder driven criteria.

I hope this makes sense - give me a call if you want clarification of what
I'm suggesting.

Rohit Talwar
Centre for Business Transfromation - London
tel 44 171 435 3570



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