Defining our Abbreviations LO15866
Tue, 18 Nov 1997 18:00:07 -0500 (EST)

Hi Friends,

I introduced another friend to the list several weeks ago. He's
enthusiastic about the discussions like most new as well and long time
participant/lurkers. He also recently asked me "What do they mean by ERP,
WSB, WS, etc." His question struck me as a valid reminder. After
scanning two of the most recent digests I spotted the following among the
undefined alphabet soup - IT, CSR, CMN, IMHO, WS, NPV/DCF, LO and ERP.
Don't ask me either what they all mean!

Perhaps we, as supposedly a model and champion of the Learning
Organization, need to pause a moment and ask if we are stifling learning
and becoming just a bit clannish with all the undefined initials. I'd
propose we adopt (readopt?) the conventional journalistic style of
defining any abbreviation in parentheses the first time it is used in any
post, regardless of how conventional we may think it is. By that I mean
LO (Living Organization) is what its all about. LO does stand for "living
organization" doesn't it?

[Host's Note: Yes, I agree that TLA's are a problem. Oops... That's "Three
Letter Acronyms", sorry. ...Rick]

Best wishes,

Cliff Hamilton
Progressive Visions

"If you only do what you've always done, you'll only get what you've already


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