>We are just now addressing those needs (finally, after years to trying)
>with Management Committee. In planning this training and speaking to
managers, it amazed me to see how frightened those managers are of their
>employees. When they enter the cafeteria, they feel that no-one wants them
>at their table, if they walk around their division, they feel like
>their employees think they are spying on them. What a terrible way to
>feel about your co-workers!
>We are piloting this training with upper-managers as a first step in
>Facilitative Management training, and then will be moving outward into the
>organization to get everyone up to speed on these types of skills.
>Any suggestions on ways to proceed? These managers with their chiefs,
>and then chiefs with their teams; or complete divisions; or mixing divisions
>together to encourage some cross-communication (we have a tendency to
>work in parallel columns to a large d egree).
>I'm without a manager or director to consult with at this time due to
>downsizing and illness, so if you don't mind I'll be asking some questions
>here to guide me a little - it sounds like many of you have lots of
>experience in this area.....
>Merci beaucoup
Bonjour Suzanne
I don't quite know how large the Museum staff is. If you can arrange to
have them meet in one place, prefably outdoors, I would suggest that that
would be a good way to initiate the training.
You might want to start by collecting all the employees and have each
department explain its job, what it does, and it is important to the
Museum, to the assembled group. I suggest that the presentation be a
group effort within each department, and that the presentation roles be
shifted. Rather than have the department head present the group story,
have the next in line do the talking. Try shifting the focus gradually
though (one position at a time). That is, if a senior manager would
ordinarilly present, give the task to his or her next junior (not - in
this example - a junior techician)
When you are done, try to have the group come up with one single idea or
expression that captures the strength of the museum.
>From this base, I belive you can go on to individual training.
Merci beaucoup
Stuart Harrow
--"Harrow, Stuart" <bvc2206@dcrb.dla.mil>
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