Rick and listers, I agree with you in your statement:
"Given that we come together, why do we do so in *organizations* of the
kind we have? I think this is the tender nerve that's being touched in
this thread."
This is one of those rare clarify questions which cast light on all that
we do as human beings. The answers that are coming to Jo Hamil's original
question point to this as well.
I met with a group last night with whom I'm facilitating a strategic
planning process. I took them through a visioning exercise which revealed
that what the see resulting from their work together is community. I
commented on Jo's questions and they all agreed. It was an important
start with this group. We have decided that strategic planning is not an
end in itself, but a vehicle for building community. Somehow we have to
take the business tools which we use and apply them for the purpose of
community. I'd like to know how others view this idea and how they have
sought to do similar things.
Ed Brenegar
Leadership Resources
--"Ed Brenegar" <edb3@email.msn.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>