We are currently seeking feedback regarding what we're trying to create.
To this end, we'd like to offer you access to the system for the next few
weeks so you can offer us your perspectives. You can access the system at:
username: rough
password: ayx2t
This access will be valid until Dec 15th.
Please note that the knowledgebase contains only about 800 objects at
present and will make the best associations it can based on what it knows.
We are currently adding about 250 objects a month, and accelerating. We
expect to be at 10,000 objects by the end of 1998.
If you would care to review some of the underlying concepts you can visit
our web site at:
We look forward to your comments.
be well,
-- Gene Bellinger OutSights, Inc. creating new insights through outside perspectives http://www.outsights.com/ Gene Bellinger <gbellinger@outsights.com>Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>