Keeping knowledge, but how? LO15983

Eugene Taurman (
Tue, 25 Nov 1997 08:59:55

Replying to LO15948 --

Knowledge is still power. Knowledge of how to use the cyber system and
what to do with the information in the system.

I have know many who could get the information but had no idea what to do
with it. Only how t use the cyber net.

Perhaps what knowledge is power has changed but the point is still as true
now as it was in the days of the paid scout. The scout that guided the
wagons trains across the plains. The scout had all the power by virtue of
what he knew and what he knew how to find out.


At 09:07 AM 11/20/97 UT, you wrote:

>I hypothesize that knowledge is in fact free and abundant and that knowledge
>is not power. Knowledge by and of itself is worth nothing. You stated
>in your treatise that being connected is the key and on that I fully agree.
>When you connect knowledge and information--totally free in this web-driven
>infrastructure we are all assimilating--then value is created. As an
>organization, we should not be worried about the containment of knowledge
>information--but how it is connected and transformed into value. That is
>competitive advantage.

[...snip by your host...]

Eugene Taurman

What you are is determined by the thoughts that dominate your mind.
Paraphrase of Proverbs 23 Ch7


Eugene Taurman <>

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