What is manipulation? LO16000

John Zavacki (jzavacki@greenapple.com)
Tue, 25 Nov 1997 19:54:37 -0500

Replying to LO15981 --

In a typically deep post, At asks:

>Can we and may we manipulate other people?

In the positive sense of reaching the common goal within a system,
manipulation and teaching are cognate.
If we are of a political or self-serving nature, manipulation and
selfishness are cognate.
In the common roles of management, we are constantly tasked with
manipulation of other people. In this sense, manipulation is cognate with
both strategy and tactic, we work with the person to draw a course of
development for the good of the organization and try to keep them on that
course regardless of the "urgencies" within the system.



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