What is manipulation? LO16007

Eugene Taurman (ilx@execpc.com)
Wed, 26 Nov 1997 08:35:27

Replying to LO15981 --

>My dictionaries give two main meanings:
>1) Positive: A skillful use of the hands -from artisans to artists,
>2) Negavtive: A deceptive tampering with an action or a result -
> from jugglers to sorcerers
>which I have composed into:
>3) Neutral: A change of anything on purpose by a human.

It seems to me the negative part of manipulation as been glossed over. I
believe manipulation should include change by a human for his or her own
purpose. That sets this word apart from others and gives it a sinister
blanket. Even in the artisan definition it was for the artists own

In other means of driving change the purpose is for the organization the
customer etc. Manipulate means do this for me so I can benefit.

Manipulation in this way clearly has backlash potential.

Eugene Taurman
interLinx ilx@execpc.com http://www.execpc.com/~ilx

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Eugene Taurman <ilx@execpc.com>

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