What is manipulation? LO16024

Jo Hamill (jhamill@srv1.mis.ed.ac.uk)
Thu, 27 Nov 1997 14:35:39 +0000

Replying to LO16001 --


You said
> I know that I can and do manipulate people. My question is an
> ethical one--should I manipulate other people?

I think the answer to your question is yes and no! We all employ a little
manipulation now and then, human nature. It depends though on how far we
take the process.

In my own organisation we have an 'empire builder' who uses manipulation
to get her own way. She is very good at developing her power base and
undermining others. Her manipulation has many negative effects not only on
the individuals/victims, but on the organisation as a whole. Her
manipulation strategy is very much divide and rule, its really interesting
to watch!

She suceeds much of the time because there is very little teamworking
within the organisation, and so people are very wary of sharing
experiences etc..

On the other side of the coin there are a few of us who indulge in
'counter manipulation tactics' -trying to redress the balance.

Two wrongs don't make a right, but manipulation can get out of hand.

>-but it does eliminate the need to control other people's lives and
>behavior through deceptive or indirect means.

I think you are right, personally I have enough trouble trying to control
my own life!! (kidding). I think manipulation is something which only
should ever be used as a last resort, when the direct approach fails and
its one of those do or die decisions.

I guess we all use manipulation as a means of attempting to get our own
way, the problem arises when others suffer because of that.



"Jo Hamill" <jhamill@srv1.mis.ed.ac.uk>

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