Evaluation & Org Learning LO16051

Anthony J. DiBella (ajdibella@gis.net)
Mon, 1 Dec 1997 17:04:32 -0500

Replying to LO15976:

Your interest in the link between org. learning and program evaluation is
a natural.

The American Evaluation Association has a topical interest group on
'Evaluation Use' that has focused on that relationship. For example, at
the 1996 annual meeting, there was a two-part session "Evaluation for
Organizational Learning: Theory to Practice" . Papers from that session
are available on the Internet.

For other resources you could take a look at the AEA's journal "Evaluation
Practice". The fall, 1997 issue (Vol. 18) contains an interesting article
by Hallie Preskill on evaluation use in which she mentions the growing
interest in the evaluation/org. le arning relationship.


Tony DiBella


"Anthony J. DiBella" <ajdibella@gis.net>

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