Mental models are just one part of assumptions: both induce us to bring
mental baggage to a situation prior to discovering a novel situation- in
other words, we cannot view an event objectively because of the mental
models and other assumptions that we carry around with us in our heads.
As such, suspension of all assumptions is a very necessary part of the
creative process- questioning why did they/ we do things like that then,
and critical to success in the unorganized world where yesterday is not
like today and therefore cannot be viewed or worse judged using
yesterday's received wisdom.
The imperative is becoming open-mindedness- overcominbg environemnt,
floating with a head devoid of anything but a search for truth. Assume
nothing. Preconceptions are misconceptions!
regards sincerely Simon Buckingham
unorganization: business not busyness!
--Simon Buckingham <>
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