Why do we create organizations? LO16062

Tue, 2 Dec 97 17:56:52 -0500

I wish to publicly thank Simon Buckingham for taking the time to
explain his positions and clear up misconceptions. I have to admit
that I was skeptical and cynical, especially after reading lines such
as "all structure is evil". At least now I know where you are coming
from and can appreciate your 'hearts'mind'. The only comment I have to
make is that there are still many individuals who need some sort of
structure, even regimentation in their lives. After living as an army
brat for 18 years, and thus meeting more people in those years than
some people meet in a life time, I can say that there are certain
individuals that crave structure, regimentation and order. The pity is
that most of them did not understand that that structure is not
desirable for most others. Just as many of us cannot understand their
need for structure and control, they cannot understand the 'choas'
that many of us interpret as basic freedom. Right now I am thinking of
the black and white photo I saw in the late 60's where a 'Flower
child' was placing daiseys in the barrel of the National Guardsmens'

"Dare to be different" Simon.



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