Ex Libris is a reader's club for organizational leaders who are
interested in coming together to examine and discuss current
leadership and organizational development issues. MEMBERSHIP IS
FREE. Each month a current book on leadership and organizational
development is selected for reading and a one-hour telephone
forum is held in which club members engage in collective inquiry
and discussion around key concepts and ideas as presented by the
author(s) of these selected texts. Reader forums are held on
the third Tuesday of each month.
The selected book for December is:
The Heart Aroused:
Poetry & The Preservation of the Soul In Corporate America
Author: David Whyte
Publisher: Currency Doubleday
Published Dated: May 1994
ISBN: 0-385-42350-0
The December Reader's Forum will be held Tuesday, December 16th
from 1:00-2:00 EST.
An Executive Book Summary of The Heart Aroused is available
FREE upon request. Please send an e-mail to heart@quanah.com and
in the subject line type "request" (without the quotation marks)
and a summary will be sent to you.
Those individuals interested in participating in December's
Reader's Forum need to complete the Registration Request form
that follows this summary and e-mail it to exlibris@quanah.com
and in the subject line type "elregistration" (without the
quotation marks).
In order to ensure a highly interactive forum registration is
limited and is provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
Confirmation of registration along with an executive summary and
telephone bridge information will be provided.
Ex Libris Reader's Forum
Registration Request
Please complete the following registration information*
and e-mail it to exlibris@quanah.com. Attendance is subject
to space availability. Confirmation will be provided.
*If you have either attended a past Reader's Forum or are an
official member of Ex Libris, you only need to type in your
first and last name.
__Yes! I would like to attend the December 16th Reader's Forum
from 1:00-2:00 p.m. EST.
Registration Information
Street Address:
Leadership & Organizational Development Specialists
phone: 208-939-0970
fax: 208-939-1530
mail: 1657 E. Highgate Court, Eagle, Idaho 83616
--Laureen Quick <laureen@quanah.com>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>