What is manipulation? LO16075

Wed, 3 Dec 97 10:18:47 -0500

Replying to LO16030 --

replying to 16028, 29, 30

What a fantastic series of posts on this thread!

After reading all of the posts on this thread, I still am hung up on
the word, 'manipulation'. I especially have a hard time with Docs
question "may we manipulate people".

We need to understand the motivations of one who manipulates. If a
person manipulates another in order to satisfy an agenda of the
manipulator, this is never good. In fact, it falls right into Simon
Buckinghams 'evil structure' trap. This sort of manipulation does not
allow the individual to experience emergent learning, is this not
critical to developing a learning organization?
If, however, the manipulation is done with the intent of teaching the
individual to develop their own emergent learning process, I think it
is a good thing.

My problem is that I have never heard the word use in a positive
context. The possible exception being how a coach manipulates (read
tricks) the members of an opposing team into allowing his team to make
critical plays towards victory. But even this is not good for the
losing team!




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