Hi Tad
You wrote in LO16072:
> What values support organizational change and learning?
First and foremost, honesty. An ability to listen to how your heart
responds to events and then work out why you felt that way. Learning is
then modified action from the insight gained from turning your reaction
into new truths. This is positive change/ improvement- avoiding feeling
that way again if it was a bad feeling and repeat it if it struck you to
be true. You have to ask yourself why you did it that way and why you felt
the way you did about it. You can only achieve true learning if you listen
to your heart- otherwise you surpress your inner feelings and end up
perpetuating received wisdom, assumed modes of action, keeping up
appearances and so on i.e. stagnating.
regards sincerely Simon Buckingham
"Age may wrinkle the skin, but lack of enthusiasm wrinkles the soul".
--Simon Buckingham <go57@dial.pipex.com>
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