New vs. Old Knowledge LO16098
Thu, 4 Dec 1997 09:05:28 -0500 (EST)

Replying to LO16065 --


This sounds interesting and I suspect there are some interesting
differences in the lag rates depending on the field. For example,
pharmaceuticals probably rely on more current data than human resources
(my own field).

There is a company in Philadelphia, PA, USA named ISI which used to do
extensive work on the use of references (whose, from when, how often cited
by whom) in many scientific fields. They also published various abstract
and current contents services and may be worth some research. I have not
kept up with them so do not know what they currently publish in reference
to your question.

On turnover statistics: in the US there are some available from US
government sources- try the Bureau of Labor Statistics (a part of the
Departament of Labor). You might also look at the Society of Human
Resource Management website ( for information on this and for
connections to other web-based related information via their HR Links.

Will be interested in your results.

patria frame

Strategies for Human Resources
Strategies for Human Resources provides consulting services and management
support to help high-tech organizations match their strategy and goals with
effective human resource management practices. 703/751-2832


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