You have to read Gregory Bateson (Mind and nature) to understand the
pattern which connects. I don't try and keep up with everything unless it
connects somehow to my pattern of thinking. If it doesn't I throw it away.
If I couldn't do that, I would get info-overload big-time, and burst into
flames! If someone convinces you that your pattern of thinking requires
change, that's when you start over again, and that's when you have to read
and keep up. No-one has got me off my pattern just yet, so I can discard
with confidence. "So keeping up is not hard to do." Anyone who tries to
keep up with everything, probably doesn't have a learning theme, and
probably doesn't learn anything either. There are a few members on the
learning-org list (myself included) who also participate on other lists,
like complexity, patterns, Deming, etc. They do so because they have seen
the pattern that connects all the lists they're on!
Jeff Blumberg
--"Jeff Blumberg" <>
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