I feel that this is a great idea!!!!!. We tend to look at things in the
negitive, so any time we can make positive comments or relay positive
events to our co-workers, we will feel better about our jobs and ourselfs.
>>> Bill Harris <billh@lsid.hp.com> 12/01/97 10:55am >>> wrote:
Stuart wrote:
> Most organizations have time for regular staff meetings. You might want
> to use them as a vehicle to promote learning by incorporating a "What went
> right this week" segment in the staff meeting. This was originally
> proposed by Willard Zangwill in his 1972 book, "Success with People."
A group I was in a couple of years ago initiated something like that. It
was a self-directed work team (which made it easier, perhaps). One of the
actual _workers_ (I was in the "manager" role at the time) started a
"Designers' Roundtable" session. Every week, they would take the first
part of the staff meeting (which they ran, anyway) to talk about what they
had learned that week that might prove useful to others or what problem
they were facing that someone else in the group might be able to help
It was a great avenue for learning. I think the self-directedness made it
feasible. No one was grading their participation, nor were they doing
this because I or anyone else told them to. They saw an opportunity and
used it to improve how they as a group serviced other organizations in the
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--Fred Levin <FLEVIN@vha.com>
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