Goals vs. Objectives LO16140

Jack Zigon (jack@zigonperf.com)
Sun, 7 Dec 97 15:24:45 -0000

Replying to LO16119 --

>Would you be so kind to explain me why most of you, gentlemen, up/North
>use Goal with a rather generic, broad purpose, meaning and Objective as a
>very well defined "Goal"?
>A lot people in my country, Mexico, including myself, use both terms the
>other way around, e.g., Objective is generic and Goal specific. (The
>Webster Dictionary does not make a substantial difference between them).
>"Hector Zuccolotto P" <zuccolotto@tecno.net>

Hector, I've been teaching people to create goals for 17 years and I've
never found any real "hard" difinitions for the following:

Goal, target, objective, standard, etc.

What is important is that you start larger and more vague and move down
toward the smaller and more concrete. What you call the levels inbetween
is not important. Having everyone in an organization use the same
terminology *is* important though.

So, define your terms and go forth and measure!

-- Jack

Performance Management for Teams and Hard-to-Measure Jobs

Jack Zigon Email: jack@zigonperf.com
President URL: http://www.zigonperf.com
Zigon Performance Group Voice: 610-891-9599
PO Box 520 Fax: 610-891-9055
Wallingford, PA 19086-0520 USA Orders: 800-244-2892


Jack Zigon <jack@zigonperf.com>

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