We are pleased to be announcing a special Charter Subscription offer for a
new publication--one of special importance to leaders who are bringing the
energy and intelligence of organizational learning to their workplace
LEVERAGE, a twice-monthly newsletter, will keep you in the vanguard of the
rapidly evolving global community of organizational learners. Beginning in
January 1998, each issue will provide leading-edge news and ideas to
support your efforts to create a strong, sustainable future for your
organization and its people.
We hope you will take a moment to visit our web site at
http://www.pegasuscom.com/leverage.html to learn more about LEVERAGE and
to take advantage of the special prepublication Charter Subscription
offer, which expires December 31, 1997. You may choose delivery by e-mail,
regular mail, or fax.
Charter Subscription volume discounts (five or more subscriptions) are
available for organizations that are committed to building a thriving
culture for learning--call for more information.
We appreciate your time and interest, and welcome your
Kellie Wardman O'Reilly
Pegasus Communications, Inc.
One Moody Street
Waltham, MA 02154
Voice: 781-398-9700 Fax: 781-894-7175
--"Kellie Wardman O'Reilly" <kellie@pegasuscom.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>