Can Organizations Learn? LO16221

John Dicus (
Fri, 12 Dec 1997 15:12:57 -0500

In LO16204 Dr Eskow wrote:

>I don't want to be rigid. On the other hand, it might be that those who
>are insisting that organizations are "alive" are being a bit rigid.
>Maybe not. I want to be flexible about this.

I really respect and appreciate your honesty, attitude, and openness for
other opinions.

May I add to this by saying how I'm looking at the question?

I want to live in the hypothesis for some amount of time -- marinating in
it so to speak -- seeing how it instructs me. I don't know how I'll
emerge, but I'm willing to wait and see.

So for the time being, I'm imagining organizations as dynamic webs of
relationships among living beings. And in imagining an organization as a
living organism, I'm pondering how this instructs me in what to do more of
and what to do less of.

Right now, I don't have to decide whether it's right or wrong. But I am
confident that I'll learn and be thankful for the "pain" of the process.

I'm still learning to do two things. Be humble that I could be wrong. Be
brave enough to say, in front of an astute group, where my thinking is
right now. Without both I (we?) can't grow.

I'm always reminded of what author Robert Fulghum once wrote:

"Didn't I just contradict something I said a few paragraphs back? I
suppose, so. I haven't made up my mind about everything. I don't know
everything yet."




John Dicus | Cornerstone Consulting Associates Providing Experiences In... Teamwork - Systems - Stewardship | 800-773-8017 (in US) | 330-725-2728 (voice/fax) 2761 Stiegler Rd, Valley City OH 44280 (Experiences in Stewardship - April 26-29 & Oct 25-28, 1998)

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