My name is Couty and I am in charge of the Strategic Planning at the
Isreali Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. My educational background is
in Social Work, Sociology and Voc Education at the Hebrew University and
Public Administration at Harvard.
I have done quite a bit of reading re OL and my first impression is that
the focus is on business (vs public sector) and on knowledge as a resource
for the organization competitiveness (vs knowledge as the output, as the
product of the organization)
Yet, MY interest regarding OL is to be able to answer the following
question: Can governmental agencies/departments learn? More specifically,
can governmental divisions which are supposed to be knowledge
organizations, to collect knowledge from the "field" and from other
sources, to store it and to share it , learn? Is their learning
different? In what way? What should the incentives to learn be when there
is no real competition?
Can anyone help me with that? Is my first impression correct? What should
I read? Thanks in advance for any tips!!
--Couty Sabah <>
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