Can Organizations Learn? LO16262

Harrow, Stuart (
Wed, 17 Dec 1997 07:20:38 -0500

Replying to LO16223 --

Jan Leslie wrote a wonderful "day in the life" of a Learning Org message.
It was poignant, cute, and thoughtful. I noticed what I thought was a new
addition to the LO sign-off - Public Debate --

If it's not new, then I noticed it now. But there is a spirit of
community that is very much like that generated by the soap box debates of
one hundred years ago. There really were public debates, then and anyone
with an idea literally stood on a soapbox to present it.

I've seen this kind of community develop at technical seminars, where
presenters actually listen to the questions and discussions fron their

Well done, Jan Leslie!

Stuart Harrow

[Host's Note: I've always had a "trailer" line appended to msgs on the LO
list. I recently changed in to include the words "Public Dialogue" as you
can see below. ...Rick]


"Harrow, Stuart" <>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>