Dialogue? or Group-think? LO16265

Richard C. Holloway (learnshops@thresholds.com)
Wed, 17 Dec 1997 15:49:52 -0800

Replying to LO16263 --

J.C. Lelie wrote:

> A short time ago i was in a group that did an session on authentic
> communication, applying some rules to ensure better sharing of ideas. It
> took hours. The members of the group enjoyed it, yet outsiders, seeing and
> hearing us dialogueing labelled our group as a "special", closed and ...
> "group think".

This reminds me of the ways in which the Learning Circles I participate in
(in Seattle and Olympia) operate. Authenticity, speaking from the heart,
listening, creating silences and pauses for reflection . . .
high-performance conversations at work.


"Newton, forgive me.  You found the only way that, in your day, was at
all possible for a man of the highest powers of intellect and
creativity.  The concepts that you created still dominate the way we
think in physics, although we now know that they must be replaced by
others further removed from the sphere of immediate experience if we
want to try for a more profound understanding of the way things are
interrelated."     -Albert Einstein.

Richard C. "Doc" Holloway Your partner for workforce development Visit me at http://www.thresholds.com/community/learnshops/index.html Or e-mail me at <mailto:learnshops@thresholds.com> Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2361 Phone: 01 360 786 0925 Olympia, WA 98507 USA Fax: 01 360 709 4361

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