Holiday Best Wishes LO16351

John Paul Fullerton (
Wed, 24 Dec 1997 12:18:44 +0000

Replying to LO16322 --

In one of the early releases (maybe 2.08 beta) of Mosaic (pre-Netscape WWW
browser), within the introductory note was the comment (from memory) may
the WWW serve to help us to get to know one another and promote peace.

That was when the ease of getting there from here via the WWW was still
fairly new and in research and development. There had never been such an
immediate, easy, and seemingly free means of hearing from whoever choose
to say something.

It's about the most general, send-it-anywhere, mean-it-everywhere
"blessing" for the holidays that I know of.

Have a nice day
John Paul Fullerton


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