John Rafter quoted,
Piaget, the Swiss Developmental Psychologist, used the terms Assimilation
and Accomodation to describe two things a child can "do" with
information. Assimilation is a term that describes the process of
"fitting" information into existing cognitive structures. Accomodation
is the "change" or "shift" of a cognitive structure to take in
information that doesn't fit the current structure.
I'll say that organizations are filled with people who are behaving - and
behavior is the best thing I know to represent learning.
I think that whenever two or more of us gather there is organization - and
there "learning." We can conserve, preserve, or maintain that which is
"known" (Assimilate), or we can shake each other up and handle
information in a new way (Accomodate).
end quote
I find this observation quite similar to effective prayer life of
individuals. In prayer, they say when two or more are gathered together in
prayer I am with you. I here refers to Jesus.
I think that two or more who believe in the above statement exhibit
similar traits quoted by Rafter when acting out a prayer. I wonder if
there is much that be learnt from such prayer life behaviour.
Thomas P Benjamin
Thomas P Benjamin
Institute of Rural Management, Anand
PB No. 60, Anand 388 001 India
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