Favorite LO Books LO16381

Thomas Benjamin (BENJAMIN@fac.irm.ernet.in)
Mon, 29 Dec 1997 17:10:08 +0500 EST

Replying to LO16367 --

Todate I have not come across a better book than the Fieldbook on LO.

I personally do not have access to a great range of books to comment on.

Not a recent publication but one I have read is Working Wisdom by Robert
Aubrey and Pual M Cohen, Jossey Bass Pub, 1995.

A useful question to come on this list Rugner Heil. I look forward to
responses to your question on this list.

Thomas P Benjamin
Thomas P Benjamin
Institute of Rural Management, Anand
PB No. 60, Anand 388 001 India
E-Mail: benjamin@fac.irm.ernet.in
Voice:02692 40186/40181(o) 40603(R)
Fax: 02692 40188
Telex: 0172-242 IRMA IN


"Thomas Benjamin" <BENJAMIN@fac.irm.ernet.in>

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