Ex Libris is a reader's club for organizational leaders who are
interested in coming together to examine and discuss current leader-
ship and organizational development issues. Each month a current
book on leadership and organizational development is selected for
reading and a one-hour telephone forum is held in which club members
engage in collective inquiry and discussion around key concepts and
ideas as presented by the author(s) of these selected texts. Reader
forums are held on the third Tuesday of each month.
Club membership is FREE. Club members are, however, expected to
assume responsibility for the purchase of books and the cost of
long distance telephone charges. Registration to attend reader
forums is offered on a month-by-month basis and forum size is limited
in order to allow for group interaction. Space is filled on a first
come, first served basis.
The theme for the first half of 1998 is personal leadership and
includes texts that speak to the development of oneself as a leader.
A list of selected books as well as a 1st Half/1998 calendar of
reader forums is below.
Organizational leaders wishing to join January's Reader's Forum
should complete the attached registration form and send it to
Information regarding additional club events and activities will
be provided as well as registration request forms for participation
in future Reader's Forums.
For more information, please contact a QUANAH staff person at
phone: 1-800-284-3012 or e-mail: moreinfo@quanah.com.
Thank you, and I look forward to seeing you at the "club".
Laureen Quick
QUANAH President & Senior Consultant
Ex Libris
1998 Reader's Forum Calendar
Date: January 20, 1998
Time: 1:00-2:00 EST
Book: Living Without A Goal
Author: James Ogilvy
Date: February 17, 1998
Time: 1:00-2:00 EST
Book: Creating An Imaginative Life
Author: Michael Jones
Date: March 17, 1998
Time: 1:00-2:00 EST
Book: The Tao of Personal Leadership
Author: Diane Dreher
Date: April 21, 1998
Time: 1:00-2:00 EST
Book: Ishmael
Author: Daniel Quinn
Date: May 19, 1998
Time: 1:00-2:00 EST
Book: On Becoming A Servant Leader
Author: Robert Greenleaf
Date: June 16, 1998
Time: 1:00-2:00 EST
Book: Stewardship
Author: Peter Block
QUANAH is an Idaho-based consulting firm that specializes in leader-
ship and organizational development. Established in 1991, QUANAH's
mission is to provide professional consulting services and high
quality leadership development programs that enhance the effectiveness
of client organizations within the western United States.
The selected book for January is:
Book: Living Without A Goal
Finding The Freedom To Live A Creative & Innovative Life
Author: James Ogilvy
Publisher: Currency Doubleday
Published: 1995
ISBN: 0-385-41799-3
The January Reader's Forum will be held Tuesday, January 20th
from 1:00-2:00 EST.
An Executive Book Summary of Living Without A Goal is available
FREE upon request. Please send an e-mail to living@quanah.com and
in the subject line type "request" (without the quotation marks)
and a summary will be sent to you.
Those individuals interested in participating in January's
Reader's Forum need to complete the Registration Request form
that follows and e-mail it to exlibris@quanah.com. Please type
"elregistration" in the subject line (without the quotation
marks). Confirmation of registration along with an executive
summary and telephone bridge information will be provided.
Again, in order to ensure a highly interactive forum
registration is limited and is provided on a first-come,
first-served basis.
Ex Libris Reader's Forum
Registration Request
Please complete the following registration information*
and e-mail it to exlibris@quanah.com. Attendance is subject
to space availability. Confirmation will be provided.
*If you have either attended a past Reader's Forum or are an
official member of Ex Libris, you only need to type in your
first and last name.
__Yes! I would like to attend the January 20th Reader's Forum
from 1:00-2:00 p.m. EST.
Registration Information
Street Address:
ZIP/Postal Code:
Happy New Year!
Laureen Quick
President & Senior Consultant
Leadership & Organizational Development Specialists
phone: 208-939-0970
fax: 208-939-1530
mail: 1657 E. Highgate Court, Eagle, Idaho 83616
--Laureen Quick <laureen@quanah.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>