I am writing to tell you about a series of Personality Profiles that
are available from Sage Developmental Resources. As a Myers-Briggs
Professional, these booklets can be of enormous help to you and your
clients as a training or reference manual, or to sell to your clients
for their own use.
16 Individual Volumes
The Sage Personality Profile is the most comprehensive report on
individual Type available anywhere. Each of the 60 page booklets is
designed to help individuals and professionals maximize individual,
leadership and entrepreneurial potential through an in depth
understanding of their Type. This practical guide will help individuals
discover their work style and strengths in the workplace and how their
less preferred Function impacts on career development and interpersonal
relationships at work.
This series of Profiles provides an essential reference manual for
anyone working with Type, leadership and management development. In
addition to an introduction to Type and Temperament, it also provides a
comprehensive career overview which identifies occupations that are best
suited to each personality Type. It provides focused information about
the organization that each Type is best suited to work in and career
issues that pertain to them.
Each Sage Personality Profile includes:
a brief history of the study of personality types
a personality-centred approach to personal and organizational
typology in the workplace
an introduction to typology
an introduction to the four temperaments
primary characteristics
gender differences
the learning style
personality types and organizational structure
the undeveloped function of the personality
characteristics of the undeveloped function
typical triggers into the undeveloped function
how to restore balance
how this impacts on work
This profile is useful in the following fields:
executive coaching
leadership development
individual counselling
developmental psychotherapy
relationship and marital counselling
career counselling and development
training and lecturing
Sage is offering, to professionals only, a special introductory price of
$50.00, plus shipping and handling, for each Personalty Profile, until
February 28, 1998. Each profile retails for up to $200.00. We hope
that you will take advantage of this price as they will go back to their
regular price of $80.00 starting in March. Volume discounts are also
For more information regarding the Sage Personality Profiles and Sage
Developmental Resources, please visit our web page at
We hope that you will take advantage of this special offer. If you
would like to purchase Sage Personality Profiles for yourself or your
clients, please contact our office by telephone or e-mail. We would be
happy to take your order.
Anne Dranitsaris, MTC
--Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>