Team & Training Sourcebooks LO16441 -Seeking Contributors

Mel Silberman (
Wed, 7 Jan 98 11:53:16 +0000

Call for Contributors to
The Training and Performance Sourcebook and
The Team and Organization Development Sourcebook (McGraw-Hill)

The Training and Performance Sourcebook and The Team and Organization
Development Sourcebook, edited by Mel Silberman, are annual collections of
reproducible materials for trainers, consultants, team facilitators and
managers. The first sourcebooks appeared in 1996 and the 1998 volumes
have recently been published. By now, the sourcebooks have a substantial
readership, having acquired buyers from extensive direct
mail/telemarketing and by distribution in bookstores throughout the
country. Several leaders in the human resource development field have
been among the contributors, such as Bob Pike, Chip Bell, Diane Gayeski,
Thiagi, Bill Rothwell, Jack Phillips, Scott Parry, Roger Kaufman, and
Dianna Booher.

Do you have a training or team activity, an assessment instrument, a
helpful handout, or short practical article that you would be willing to
share with others?

If so, we're interested! In the next few months, we will be searching for
material for the 1999 editions. We would be pleased to add your name to
our list of contributors.

Contributions to the 1999 Sourcebooks could include content from one of
the many topical areas listed here:

Alternatives to Classroom Training Leadership and Influence
Assessment of Team/Org. Functioning Legal Issues in the Workplace
Career Development Learning and Training Techniques
Communication Skills Management Development
Computer Training Managing and Leading Change
Conflict Resolution Organizational Change
Cooperation and Trust Building Organizational Inititatives
Creative Problem Solving Performance Support
Customer Service Personal Effectiveness
Diversity and Cross-Cultural Awareness Quality and Continuous Improvement
Employee Development Sales Training
Facilitating Teams Team Development
Goal Setting and Planning Training Design and Evaluation

VISIT WWW.ACTIVETRAINING.COM [go the section of training and development books].

If we publish your piece, your professional credits, and address, phone
number, email or website will be prominently displayed. You will also
receive a looseleaf copy of the sourcebook in which you are published as
well as a generous choice of complimentary books from McGraw-Hill.

As a first step, please indicate your interest in contributing to the 1999
Sourcebooks by completing the reply form below. Send your form to:

Mail: Patricia Philips, Asst. Editor Telephone:732-505-0689
514 Radnor Ave. Fax:732-797-0557
Pine Beach, NJ 08741

Respondents will receive further information that details the guidelines
for submitting work.


The 1999 McGraw-Hill Sourcebooks
Reply Form

Your Name: Telephone:

Address: Fax:


Do you have access to the World Wide Web?

I am interested in becoming a contributor to the 1999 Sourcebooks. The type
of contribution I would like to offer is (feel free to check off more than one):

_____ A TEAM or TRAINING ACTIVITY (approximately 4-6 pages)
a game, exercise, or learning task that develops knowledge, attitudes,
or skills.

_____ AN ASSESSMENT INSTRUMENT (approximately 6-8 pages)
an evaluative tool indended to build awareness, provide feedback
about a
specific situation and promote individual or group reflection.

_____ A HELPFUL HANDOUT (approximately 2-4 pages)
a succinct description of important issues or skills when developing

individuals, groups, team or organizations. Should be loaded with
practical advice!

_____ A PRACTICAL GUIDE (approximately 8-10 pages)
a"how-To" article containing useful ideas and guidelines for
implementing an idea or initiative. Practical guides may also be a
discussion of issues that interest trainers and consultants and/or
people and organizations they serve.

Please provide a brief description of the topical content of your

Mail (electronically or by snail) or fax your reply to the following address
to receive further details about this project:

Mail TO:

Patricia Philips Telephone:732-505-0689
514 Radnor Ave. Fax:732-797-0557
Pine Beach, NJ 08741


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