A scale from "lie" to "truth" LO16443

Thu, 8 Jan 1998 07:49:10 -0600

In response to LO16438

Steve Eskow wrote:

>We ourselves are often in the powerful grip of our own constructions of
>reality, and refuse to acknowledge
>that they are no more "real" or "true" than those models held stubbornly
>by those we try to change.

Steve, if I may slide into my Mid-Western United States drawl, "Dang, nice

Thanks for helping me remember to turn on the light before I go blindly
into the room. Though I tend to agree with At's arguments, I also realize
now that my mental constructs, my perceptions, the vistas of my viewpoints
have all been built and selected by me into a cozy, little house with
fluffy carpeting, taupe walls, and a big, leather recliner sitting in
front of a big-screen TV.

I really need to get out of the recliner and walk out the front door for
awhile. Thanks again!

Rob Jones
State Farm Insurance Companies



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