Knowledge Management Conferences? LO16516

Walter Derzko (
Tue, 13 Jan 1998 09:02:11 -0800

Replying to LO16497 --

B.J. Bryant asks:

> I am now at a point where my employer is willing to fund my attendance at
> a conference, workshop, symposium, etc. that will assist me in this
> development, as it is highly applicable to the work I do. So, here is my
> request:
> Could I get those who are privy to this sort of thing to suggest -- in the
> group or by private e-mail -- some conferences that are tried-and-true
> throughout the coming year?

Ther are two events next week in Toronto and Hamilton (McMaster
University). A workledge Management workshop featuring Debra Amidon on Jan
20th in Toronto and the 2nd World Congress on Managing Intellectual
Capital at McMaster-Jan 21-23.

I'm email you a seperate notice for both.

Walter Derzko
Idea Lab


"Walter Derzko" <>

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