JIT and Knowledge Building LO16583

William Buxton (wbuxton@hns.com)
Fri, 16 Jan 1998 10:12:49 -0500

Replying to LO16561 --

Phillip Tencer posed several dandy ideas related to JIT:

> Rely on area experts as the key resources for software users.

> Focus s/w training on the area experts.

> Include the area experts in s/w development.

Don't know the environment, but I'd second the motions.

I'd add one more:

Consider what sorts of tools might make it easier for the area
experts to help their colleagues get up to speed. Templates, samples, job
aids, macros, short learning tasks, cheat sheets, whatever. And there's
nothing that says the tools have to be created centrally (by middle men),
though some might. A useful intervention might be no more than some
suggestions to the area experts about putting their own tool kit together.

Bill Buxton


"William Buxton" <wbuxton@hns.com>

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