www.knowledge.org.uk LO16602 -Web Site

Daniel Chick (dan@mazware.com)
Fri, 16 Jan 1998 10:51:41 -0000

Knowledge On-Line (http://www.knowledge.org.uk/) is the central
information and communication forum for Chief Knowledge Officers and
Knowledge Workers world-wide. Learn how other companies are using
Knowledge Management practices to drive their businesses. Meet the
Knowledge Gurus, the people who are shaping the Knowledge Era, read their
thoughts and exchange ideas. Also participate in our own community of
practice at the Knowledge Cafi.

Increasing Customer Loyalty through Knowledge Management,


[Host's Note: probably http://www.knowledge.org.uk/custconf/ ...Rick]

the first ever dedicated conference on Customer Focused Knowledge
Management. Learn how companies are delivering a return on Knowledge
Management investment. Keynote speakers include Tom Stewart, senior editor
Fortune Magazine, Hubert Saint-Onge, Senior Vice President of Strategic
Capabilities, Mutual Group, Tina Barber, Vice President and CIO, Brooklyn
Union Gas, Paul Cole, Partner Ernst and Young and author 'Customer
Connections, New Strategies for Growth'


"Daniel Chick" <dan@mazware.com>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>