A Scale from "lie" to "truth" LO16627

Ed Brenegar (edb3@email.msn.com)
Tue, 20 Jan 1998 09:02:42 -0000

Replying to LO16597 --

Your response (below) is greatly appreciated. Life is not so simple as to
be just one simple thing. Pure truth or artificial, human created truth.
It is both. I don't mean to be an Hegelian, mixing thesis and antithesis to
find synthesis. I don't believe that truth is merely finding common ground
between opposites. Rather I think is captured in the relationship between
various points whether they have a "necessary" relation or not. This is why
metaphors are so important. It provides us a way of looking at something as
a different thing than what we are used to seeing.

The problem with this approach is that I am always listening for the
incongrueous, seeking to apply it appropriately in inappropriate settings.
The other day, I was lunching with a friend who runs a large business in our
community. He was talking about how they were learning to implement a new
evaluation system, which they had learned from Sears department stores. (If
you want to know that system is, look in the latest Harvard Business
Review). We were talking about an education task force on which we serve,
and it occurred to me, why don't we apply Sears lessons in the schools.
Truth will take on a different shape and form there, than it would in a
retail store, but the principles are probably applicable. So we have called
a meeting for our group next week to begin a process of relearning how to
look at public education. Truth emerged through the incongrueous
relationship of entities. I'm confident that this will take us to a depth
of understanding that our prior mental models would not allow. Now I don't
know how this fits into your philosophic scheme. But it certainly is the
nature of the way truth emerges in life, as I see and experience it.

Thanks again for your kind thoughts. It has made this long and tiring day,
much more pleasant.

Ed Brenegar
Leadership Resources

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"Ed Brenegar" <edb3@email.msn.com>

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