With respect to the "THE IDEAL PEOPLE MANAGEMENT PLAN" - Francesco
Sofo,PhD asked:' What about things like EEO, Industrial Democracy,
Occupational Health and Safety, Workforce Diversity? Where do these things
fit in the Plan?'
Personally I don't think you can fit Occupational Health & Safety (OSH) in
any one particular part of your plan. I do feel though that OSH can
become one of those aspects of life in business, where the goals of the
business and the individual can be well aligned. It makes good business
sense to avoid the losses associated with workplace accidents, and of
course the individual doesn't want to get hurt at work either.
If people are encouraged to be proactive and take the initiative to
improve their workplace health and safety - they will do so. And so by
encouraging people to take ownership of their workplace safey leaders
(formerly called managers) can demonstrate th at they trust their
followers to use their initiative to act in the best interests of the
organisation. There is some overlap here with the issue of Industrial
Democracy. People have both rights and responsibilities with respect to
OSH. In other words high OSH standards can become a superordinate goal.
Something that all the people in the organisation work to achieve.
Incidentally, for me the "ideal" people management plan is simply "self
Peter H. Jones
Peopletronics Limited, PO Box 30 451, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
phj@actrix.gen.nz http://www.peopletronics.co.nz
Tel. 64 4 569 8875, Fax. 64 4 569 8881
--"Peter H. Jones" <phj@actrix.gen.nz>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>