A Scale from "lie" to "truth" LO16664

Sat, 24 Jan 1998 12:55:35 +0000

Replying to LO16653 from:Mnr AM de Lange.

He competed his lengthy post with:

> I cannot make excuses for it any more. Reality - Creator and Creation - is
> not only complex, it is becoming more complex by the second. Reality is
> one - let us stop fragmenting it - let us begin to put it together again.
> Reality is one - the broad road of dissipations going down to chaos and
> the narrow road of constructions going up to order.

A phrase used in traditional wedding ceremonies but appears
appropriate and applicable here.

"What God has joined together, let no man (or woman) separate."
(Matthew 19:6)

Best regards,


Tony Barrett



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