Employee Ranking Systems LO16690

Winfried Dressler (winfried.dressler@voith.de)
Mon, 26 Jan 1998 19:35:14 +0100

Replying to LO16673 --

>If a business doesn't know who the most valuable employees are, how are
>they to reward people based on performance? And if employees aren't
>rewarded for their performance, then what are they rewarded for?

Some people want to be rewarded for their perfomance - especially those
who perform well.

Many others seek from child on nothing but to be respected in their needs.

I prefer to understand my earning as a way, the company I work for honours
my needs without which I wouldn't be able to give my contributions.

And the high performers know, that they rely on people like me, enableing
them with my support to really be high performers, as well as I rely on
those high performers, who get much of their satisfaction from their
performance (not so much from the rewards).

Competition is only the right way, if there is no other more supporting
way to create high performance.

Best regards, Winfried



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