LO Colleagues -
To continue Doug Jones helpful posting about this subject, and perhaps to
complicate our LO lives, this is to post information about "knowledge
management" (KM). The excerpts below come from "KM World," a tabloid-type
report, monthly I think, that I receive. This information, following
Doug's excerpt, was interesting and useful to me; perhaps also to others
in the LO business who are, or will, be facing the LARGE changes that KM
is bringing to the learning business we are in.
KM-related questions that occured to me included:
1. What are others in our network doing with the "LO - KM" interface?
2. What difference does hi-tech KM make in LO efforts?
3. How do we accomodate and learn from KM as a resource to help our
colleagues, clients and others to learn, JIT or otherwise?
4. What other questions about LO - KM relationships should we be thinking
- - - on 22 Jan 1998 Doug Jones wrote:
>In response to my 1/8/98 posting, Richard Webster wrote:
>>Can your term, "knowledge building," be stated as "learning" in your
>judgement and experience?
>My answer is a qualified yes, and no. Clearly, "knowledge building" is a
>subset of learning, but it has some very distinctive attributes that
>separates it from other activities/processes that are also capped with the
>term, "learning". For example, training is associated with the term
>learning -- an rightly so; however, as I stated previously, training (and
>this includes most OJT/OJL) is mostly information/knowledge
>transfer/dissemination, NOT "knowledge building".
>As always, I look forward to any feedback; especially concerning paradigm
>shifts and principles that have an impact on bringing JIT logistical
>learning to bear on knowledge building.
>Best regards, Doug Jones <djones@asheville.cc.nc.us>
Knowledge Management*
*Source: "KM World" (Knowledge Management World) n.d. (January, 1988),
Vol. 7, Issue 1, pages as noted.
"KM technology in the cyberorganization:
Seeking the equivalent of the GUI for knowledge applications" (article on
page 33 by Rebecca O. Barclay and Phillip C. Murray)
work-not just the tools of our work.
Knowledge-related tasks are driven to ever-lower levels of the
organization. Managers often do not know how to improve the effectiveness
of their knowledge workers because they do not understand the 'stuff' of
knowledge [that their work group members use]-and how technology can be
applied to it.
Knowledge management is, in part, a recognition of the desperate
need for a centripetal, integrative force in business that counteracts the
forces of infoglut and technology.
The nature of work has expanded to include new practices and
techniques for the development, processing and transfer of knowledge among
a growing number of employees [and other stakeholders].
is spent not just processing information with a variety of tools, but
understanding, defining and making judgements about knowledge-based
We must expand access to information, but we must also reduce the
burdens of finding and using that information through widespread
filtering, summarization and abstraction [sic, abstracting].
So much knowledge is available and needed that searching, managing
documents, building knowledge and transferring knowledge must be treated
collarboratively rather than as isolated activities. Assessments of the
value of information must also be shared.
The 'context' of the user must be identified to provide the most
appropriate knowledge to that user-[i.e.] just-in-time knowledge delivery.
Conversely, lessons learned from the application [use] of knowledge must
be fed back into the knowledge base itself" (page 33).
"Document management, workflow, imaging, records management and
groupware are merging to become this thing we call 'knowledge
management'-the ability to collaborate, review, publish, find and share
information across the enterprise. The next hurdle
barrier. We must make knowledge management systems as accepted and
necessary as we have made E mail and the Internet. The cultural challenge
dwarfs the technical challenge of meeting this goal." Brian Aspland,
President and CEO, FrontOffice Technologies, (page 42).
become more sophisticated in defining their needs." (quote on page 45 by
Franklin Cooper, Editor, TODAY-The Journal of Work Process Improvement.)
Knowledge Management
System Activities, Components, Facilities, Functions & Services
(list on insert following page 4 of "KM World," Volume 7, Issue 1)
Animation, modeling, simulation, visualization
Application development tools
Archiving of records
Auto indexing
Automated data capture
Business process design automation
Case management
Computer-output-to-laser disc-COLD
Concurrent computing
Configuration management
Content capture (documents)
Content management
Content retrieval
Customer care/retention
Data capture/conversion
Data mining
Data repositories
Data warehousing
Database engines/servers
Database marketing
Decision support-EIS
Document scanning
Document management
Document/content capture
Document/content mining
Document/content repositories, warehousing
Dynamic HTML
Electronic commerce
Electronic data interchange-EDI
Engineering DM/PDM
Enterprise resource planning-ERP
Facilities management
Fax management
Forms scanning
Help desk management
Hierarchical storage management
Ideas archive-inventory, storehouse
Interactive computing
Logistics management
Manufacturing resource planning-MRP
Modeling, simulation, visualization, animation
Object retrieval
Object delivery
Portable document viewers, editors
Process management
Project management
Push/pull content-object delivery
Push/pull publishing
Quality management
Records management
Records retention-archiving
Relational database management
Remote access (mobile, wireless)
Risk management
Sales force automation
Simulation, visualization, animation, modeling
Statistical analysis correlation-OLAP
Supply chain management
Technical documentation
Text retrieval
Visualization, animation, modeling, simulation
Voice/data/content integration
Voicemail management
Web browsers
Web search agents
Whiteboard computing
Workflow computing
Workgroup computing
Worldwide Web-WWW
--"Richard S. Webster" <webster.1@osu.edu>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>