Academy of HR Development LO16720 -Chicago March 4-8

John D. Truty (
Tue, 27 Jan 1998 17:31:43 -0500 (EST)

I thought I would pass this along. A schedule of events is located on the
Homepage (under What's New). I have been to the past two conferences and
find it a rich environment that addresses many of the topics that surface
on this list. John


Northern Illinois University will be the site host for a
very significant international conference. The Academy of
Human Resource Development (AHRD) will be holding its annual
conference in Oak Brook, Illinois, from March 4-8, 1998.
The purpose of this message is to encourage your attendance
and to enlist your support in promoting this conference to
scholars and practitioners who have interests in work-based
learning, action learning, organizational learning,
technology-based learning, and many other HRD topics. AHRD
is a non-profit association of HRD scholars and

Proceedings of this past year's conference contained over
120 refereed papers from 164 authors affiliated with
organizations from 12 countries. These proceedings
contained over 1,000 pages. The annual conference
proceedings is an excellent reference manual for theorists
and practitioners who are involved in work-place learning.
It provides a unique "snapshot" of cutting edge research and
writing that is underway in the international field of HRD.
Last year's conference participants included Victoria
Marsick and Karen Watkins, authors of Sculpting the Learning
Organization; Ron Jacobs, author of Successful on the Job
Training; Michael Marquardt, author of The Global Learning
Organization; and William Rothwell, author of Strategic
Human Resource Development.

Annual attendance at the conference is approximately 250
people. This allows for a collegial atmosphere with plenty
of opportunities to interact with conference participants
and presenters. The cost of the conference plus AHRD
membership is $375 after Feb. 1.

Contact the AHRD Office by phone (504-334-1874) or e-mail
( for registration information; or contact
Gene Roth by phone (815-753-1306) or e-mail (
for additional information.


"John D. Truty" <>

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