[Host's Note: Stuart actually sent this in almost a month ago, but the URL
was bad. Thanks Stuart for correcting and verifying the URL! ...Rick]
Dear Ragnar,
You might be interested in "Thermodynamics of Culture: The Relationship
Between Classical Entropy and Chaos," by Jerome Heath. I found this
posted at http://www2.hawaii.edu/~heathj/Dynamics.htm
Best regards (and good luck on your examinations)
Stuart Harrow
>>At the moment I am writing on my examination-work about self-organization
>>(esp. Autopoiesis [Maturana/Varela/Luhmann]) and its practical
>>relevance for teaching and learning. I am going to add a little introduction
>>of the theory of dissipative structures by Prigogine.
>>It would be great if you could tell me where I can find more informations
>about dissipative structures and living systems like the consciousness or
>the social system.
--"Harrow, Stuart" <bvc2206@dcrb.dla.mil>
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