Freddy Holwerda asked:
> Is not the fundamental theory behind competition "surival of the fittest" ?
> The best will stay and get rewarded
I take this as a chance to summarise my last lengthy contribution:
The "fittest" is often misunderstood as the "strongest". But strength is
only a scale for equal competitors. To fit ("passen"), uniquely
differentiated strengths must cooperate with other unique strengths in
order to create added value.
So the fundamental theory behind "survival of the fittest" is
differentiation and cooperation. This is the root of any strength - also
in biology. (Based on game theory, Barry Nalebuff et. al. created the word
"Coopetition" - see the book with this title)
The theory of human competition can ask one further "Why?": What drives
differentiation? This is, where vision comes into the game: The vision of
a not yet realized reality.
This vision, together with the competence (basic strengths based on
already achieved differentiation) to move towards it, is what I like to
call "strategic identity" (see the book with the title "Strategische
Identitaet" by W. Gro_e-Oetringhaus)
Warm regards,
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